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Zanzarah: The Hidden Portal
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Zanzarah: The Hidden Portal

Dodano dnia 29-08-2008 18:10


Zmodyfikuj skót do gry, dodając do niego parametr -console. Naciśnij podczas gry [F11], a następnie wpisz jeden z poniższych kodów zatwierdzając go klawiszem [Enter]:

duel victory - twój czarodziej wygrywa bitwę
item xx - dostajesz przedmiot xx (gdzie xx to liczba pomiędzy 1 a 73)
wizform xx - twój czarodziej otrzymuje przedmiot xx (gdzie xx to liczba pomiędzy 1 a 76)
spell xx - dostajesz czar xx (gdzie xx to liczba pomiędzy 1 a 119)
video xxxx - odgrywa filmik, gdzie xxxx to nazwa pliku z podkatalogu /resources/videos; np: video _v006.bik
help - wyświetla listę dostępnych komend

Możesz także uruchomić grę z parametrem -duelstart by zacząć grę w trybie pojedynku. Lista przedmiotów (użyj z kodem item):
0 - Small Health
1 - Med Health
2 - Large Health
3 - Healing Leaf
4 - 1 Fairy Coin
5 - Test Amulet
6 - Crystal
7 - Medicine
8 - Fairy Horn
9 - Amulet of Experience
10 - Cover Leaf
11 - Test Amulet
12 - Reserved Magic Card
13 - Golden Carrot
14 - Reserved Magic Card
15 - Acean Conch
16 - Pixie Bag
17 - Silver Sphere
18 - Golden Sphere
19 - Crystal Sphere
20 - Garlic Atomizer
21 - Catacomb Key
22 - Heavy Iron Key
23 - Key of the guardian of Pixies
24 - Rufus House Key
25 - Key to Dwarf Factory
26 - Quilin's Staff Of Rule
27 - Key to the Town Hall
28 - Rune of return
29 - Rune of the Fairy Garden
30 - Rune of Tiralin
31 - Run of Dunmore
32 - Rune of Dwarf Tower
33 - Rune of the Cave World
34 - Rune of the Ice World
35 - Rune of the Realm of Clouds
36 - Rune of the Shadow Realm
37 - Rune of the Cottage Rune
38 - Forest Rune II
39 - Swamp Rune II
40 - Mountain Rune II
41 - Cave Rune II
42 - Sky Rune II
43 - Dark Rune II
44 - Fairy Corel of Air
45 - Fairy Corel of Earth
46 - Fairy Corel of Fire
47 - Fairy Corel of Nature
48 - Fairy Corel of PSI Magic
49 - Reserved Magic Card
50 - Reserved Magic Card
51 - Evolutionary Magic of Air
52 - Evolutionary Magic of Fire
53 - Evolutionary Magic of Nature
54 - Elemental Key of Fire
55 - Elemental Key of Air
56 - Elemental Key of Nature
57 - Elemental Key of Earth
58 - Book of Fairies
59 - Fairy Bag
60 - Mana Potion
61 - Moulding Magic
62 - Map of the Fairy Garden
63 - Map of the Enchanted Forest
64 - Map of the Mountain World
65 - Map of the Dark Swamp
66 - Map of the Shadow Realm
67 - Map of the Realm Of Clouds
68 - Reserved Magic Card
69 - Reserved Magic Card
70 - Tools of the Dwarfs
71 - Red Bone Key
72 - Green Bone Key
73 - Blue Bone Key

Lista czarów (użyj z kodem spell)
(N) - nautra
(S) - kamień
(W) - woda
(A) - powietrze
(P) - Psi
(I) - lód
(D) - ciemność
(E) - energia
(C) - chaos
(F) - ogień
(L) - światło
(M) - metodal

0 - Small Quake (N)
1 - Falling Tree (N)
2 - Razor Blade (N)
3 - Light Spurs (N)
4 - Large Root (N)
5 - Storm (A)
6 - Powerless Spirit (A)
7 - Storm Arrow (A)
8 - Tornado (A)
9 - Great Displacement (A)
10 - Small Waves (W)
11 - Hail of Needles (W)
12 - Hail of Knives (W)
13 - Slight Insanity (W)
14 - Call of the Water (W)
15 - Reflection (L)
16 - Bundled Light (L)
17 - Light Arrow (L)
18 - Surge of Light (L)
19 - Enchanted Light (L)
20 - No Discharge (E)
21 - Chain Reaction (E)
22 - Time Shift (E)
23 - Exiled Power (E)
24 - Burning Spear (E)
25 - Small Spirit (P)
26 - Insanity (P)
27 - Heavy Thoughts (P)
28 - Psi Wave (P)
29 - Great Telekinesis (P)
30 - Small Stone (S)
31 - Flying Rock (S)
32 - Falling Rocks (S)
33 - Hail of Stones (S)
34 - Meteor (S)
35 - Ball of Ice (I)
36 - Ice Arrow (I)
37 - Frost Ray (I)
38 - Frozen Spirit (I)
39 - Great Hail of Ice (I)
40 - Flame (F)
41 - Fire Arrow (F)
42 - Ball of Fire (F)
43 - Burning Hands (F)
44 - Burning Souls (F)
45 - Darkness (D)
46 - Solar Eclipse (D)
47 - Arrow of Darkness (D)
48 - Ball of Darkness (D)
49 - Soul Thief (D)
50 - Chaos Lightning (C)
51 - Chaos Arrow (C)
52 - Spirit of Chaos (C)
53 - Burn Out (C)
54 - Ball of Chaos (C)
55 - Metal Pin (M)
56 - Metal Arrow (M)
57 - Pins & Needles (M)
58 - Magnetism (M)
59 - Heavy Metal (M)
60 - Birch Skin (N)
61 - Oak Skin (N)
62 - Sharp Eye (N)
63 - Thorn Armour (N)
64 - Untouchable (N)
65 - Storm (A)
66 - Tornado (A)
67 - Upward Wind (A)
68 - Geysir (A)
69 - Hurricane (A)
70 - Slight Healing (W)
71 - Healing Power (W)
72 - Shapeless Power (W)
73 - Smooth as Glass (W)
74 - Sorrow Shared (W)
75 - Power of Light (L)
76 - Kiss of Light (L)
77 - Painful Charge (L)
78 - Lucky Dip (L)
79 - Shelter of the Light (L)
80 - Targeted Damage (E)
81 - Homesickness (E)
82 - Dubious Luck (E)
83 - View Enhancer (E)
84 - Magic Awakening (E)
85 - Telekiness (P)
86 - Unwavering Spirit (P)
87 - Quake of Power (P)
88 - Migration of Souls (P)
89 - Spiritual Power (P)
90 - Flying Stones (S)
91 - Stone Spear (S)
92 - Stone Skin (S)
93 - Magic Guidance (S)
94 - Unintentional Movement (S)
95 - Magic River (I)
96 - Magic Support (I)
97 - Severity (I)
98 - Jump Magic (I)
99 - Absorb Mana (I)
100 - Magic Breath (F)
101 - Magic Touch (F)
102 - Rusty Shield (F)
103 - Quick Thinking (F)
104 - Magic Shield (F)
105 - Bruiser (D)
106 - Magic Support (D)
107 - Frozen (D)
108 - Flying Feet (D)
109 - Flyweight (D)
110 - Dance of Chaos (C)
111 - Creeping Chaos (C)
112 - Confused Spirit (C)
113 - Devil's Wings (C)
114 - Heat Shimmers (C)
115 - Liquid Metal (M)
116 - Scorching Steel (M)
117 - Old Armour (M)
118 - Speed of Light (M)
119 - Rusty Spear (M)

Lista czarowników (do użycia z kodem wizform)
0 - Sillia (N)
1 - Viteria (N)
2 - Boneria (N)
3 - Grem (S)
4 - Gremor (S)
5 - Gremrock (S)
6 - Tadana (W)
7 - Aquana (W)
8 - Oceana (W)
9 - Worgot (N)
10 - Corgot (N)
11 - Symgot (N)
12 - Airia (A)
13 - Luria (A)
14 - Laticia (A)
15 - Rasrow (C)
16 - Maulrow (C)
17 - Psyrow (C)
18 - Abery (N)
19 - Abnobery (N)
20 - Vesbat (S)
21 - Stobat (S)
22 - Garbat (S)
23 - Cera (W)
24 - Amnis (W)
25 - Ceramnis (W)
26 - Blumella (N)
27 - Mencre (P)
28 - Mensek (P)
29 - Violectra (E)
30 - Biolectra (E)
31 - Pix (F)
32 - Ferix (F)
33 - Daemonex (F)
34 - Feez (I)
35 - Greez (I)
36 - Greezloc (I)
37 - Skelbo (C)
38 - Skeljaw (C)
39 - Skelrath (C)
40 - Sirael (A)
41 - Gorael (A)
42 - Fathrael (A)
43 - Darbue (E)
44 - Bue (E)
45 - Lighbue (E)
46 - Beltaur (P)
47 - Mentaur (P)
48 - Clum (P)
49 - Clumour (P)
50 - Pfoe (N)
51 - Taze (N)
52 - Glacess (I)
53 - Akritar (C)
54 - Sirella (A)
55 - Dracwin (F)
56 - Flagwin (F)
57 - Tinefol (N)
58 - Tinerog (N)
59 - Tinezard (F)
60 - Tineves (A)
61 - Fygaery (N)
62 - JumJum (S)
63 - JumRock (S)
64 - Goop (W)
65 - Minari (M)
66 - Megari (M)
67 - Gigarex (M)
68 - Segbuzz (C)
69 - Manox (D)
70 - Turnox (D)
71 - Dredanox (D)
72 - Lighane (L)
73 - Driane (L)
74 - Suane (L)
75 - Lana (N)
76 - Liana (N)
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